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the song of the cranes 

Online gallery in Mantle meadow
original ink drawings

    Original ink drawings from the series "Aska".

    The drawings are made from home made charcoal and ash ink

    on bamboo paper (265gsm), giving the cranes a true, natural body.

    A body of wood transformed by fire.

    The fires dried the drawings and gave ashes and charcoal. 

    The paintings are completely natural, environmentally friendly,

    even compostable after their life.

    The drawings are all created from experiences I gathered

    being with common cranes, living in a summer breeding area.




    After a long way migrating north 

    The cranes came home 

    In their summer breeding area 

    In early spring

    When the snow had only partly left the land 

    Cranes are amongst the earliest arrivers

    Here up north

    They fly in big flocks 

    And stay in large groups to rest and forage 

    For quite some time 

    After they have arrived

    Before they will go

    to their nesting places two on two


    It is about this precious time

    between arrival and settling for breeding

     "Aska" wants to sing.

    Ashes (aska) contain both death and rebirth. A substance of purification.

    Cranes too are symbol of immortality, of the continuation of life.

    In mythology cranes are depicted to be rebirthed humans.


    Every evening

    When the sun has almost set

    Cranes gather and fly  

    To their sleeping grounds

    while singing, a trumpeting chorus

    Their call can be heared from afar

    Long after sunset 

    Their chatting voices echo

    As they sing theirselves asleep



    A song, "inner island", to accompany the online gallery.

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